# AI Versions

# AI Versions and Read-Only Versions

AI Versions: You can think of AI Versions as AI projects. Each AI Version is distinct from the others. An example use case of this feature is to keep a deployment AI Version that represents the current stable version of your AI, and then to use a separate AI Version for your development.

Read-only Versions: Read-only versions can be thought of as templates or jumping off points for new AI Versions. You can clone a Read-Only AI Version to start a new project.

# Getting Started

  1. The first thing we will need to do before building our AI is to create an AI Version to work with. Go ahead and clone the Read-Only version clean to get started and name your new version something like financial_assistant .

Create New AI Version

  1. Click on financial_assistant to open the AI Version. This is where you can create new competencies or edit existing ones.