# Summary

This guide covered the entire process of creating competencies and integrating conversations with business logic:

  1. AI Versions
  2. Creating competencies with classification and slot data
  3. Training the AI
  4. Testing the AI with automated testing and the query sidebar
  5. Updating the State Graph
  6. Enabling business logic
  7. Editing Responses

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the basic competency building workflow, below is a diagram of the full building workflow, including some advanced steps and procedures, for your reference.

Full Competency Building Diagram

Remember that at a high level, the Clinc AI Platform is responsible for mappinghuman utterances to computer-friendly data (in our case: JSON). This mapping is made possible by training the AI with curated classifier and SVP data.

Business logic is then responsible for taking that JSON and performing actions based on and/or with it.

Personalities and their responses are responsible for communicating the results of the AI's extracted data, the results of business logic operations, or both.

As a reminder, we want to emphasize the importance of understanding where Clinc fits in the process of delivering high quality conversational AI to end users:

User utterance-> Clinc Platform-> JSON-> (optional) Business Logic-> Personality Response-> User response-> Repeat