# Crash Log

The Crash Log provides detailed error messages and graph of error occurrences per day.

crash log

The status codes will be some subset of the 4XX (opens new window) and 5XX (opens new window) codes for Django REST. Most commonly, it will be 500 or 422.

There are three major types of crashes:

  • Internal platform errors: NLU/ state handling/ etc.
{'message': "<class 'str'> not convertible to Money"}
  • Business logic errors
{'message': 'Request timed out trying to connect to business logic server at: https://clinc-XXXX.herokuapp.com/XXXX', 'http_code': 422}
  • Response generation errors: accessing a slot value that doesn’t exist)
{'message': "Response generation error occurred in competency check_balance's classifier state check_balance: 'destination_account' is undefined"}

The detailed error messages serve as a great tool for debugging your AI projects.

Last updated: 07/24/2020